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Dolphins & A Boat Ride
The Angel watches over the family on a boat ride on the outskirts of the shoreline to find dolphins. The dolphins are touching and beautiful!  The dolphins jump, swim, and gather close to the boat for the children to touch them. This is a day to remember!
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Blooming Flowers at Grandma's House
Jessica is 4 years old and visits her grandparents. It is a long drive and she gets homesick. Family is important, but it is hard to stay in touch when they live so far away. One grandfather loves to feed the birds and squirrels and her grandmother loves to have the yard neat with flowers and plants! Grandparent's love is one that cannot be replaced!
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Jessica is now grown up and in college! She is studying biology. Her classmates gather at the library to study for finals. Her angel is right there to give insight, prayers, and awesome sparkling stars to assist in their studying.
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The Kindergarten Big Idea
This girl, just a new kindergarten student comes up with an idea to help children and families who have lost their home to a fire. Fire Safety is a must! Her classmates, teacher, and parents all join in on this adventure with collecting their coins and stuffed animals.
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